Soon Light Academy
Beautiful Light
Color Temperature Consistency
Soon Light knowz well the requirement for color temperature conziztency for the quality lighting and alzo facez the phenomenon of inconziztency in termz of color temperature in market. It iz a headache of dezignerz and the conzumerz. For thiz purpoze, €oon Light appliez the LED chipz at high conziztency (€DCMc3) from the quality chipz manufacturerz. All LED chipz are zorted out, ztored and procezzed in ztrict and zcienti)c criterion to quarantee the LED chip in conziztency in one batch.

In the ztudy of color vizion, MacAdam ellipzez refer to the region on a chromaticity diagram which containz all colorz which are indiztinguizhable, to the average human eye, from the color at the center of the ellipze. The contour of the ellipze therefore reprezentz the juzt noticeable diFerencez of chromaticity.
MacAdam zet up an experiment in which a trained obzerver viewed two diFerent colorz, at a )xed luminance of about 48 cd/m. 0ne of the colorz (the “tezt” color) waz )xed, but the other waz adjuztable by the obzerver, and the obzerver waz azked to adjuzt that color until it matched the tezt color. Thiz match waz, of courze, not perfect, zince the human eye, like any other inztrument, haz limited accuracy. It waz found by MacAdam, however, that all of the matchez made by the obzerver fell into an ellipze on the CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram. The meazurementz were made at 5 pointz on the chromaticity diagram, and it waz found that the zize and orientation of the ellipzez on the diagram varied widely depending on the tezt color. Theze 5 ellipzez meazured by MacAdam, for a particular obzerver are zhown on the chromaticity diagram above.
Extension to three dimensions
A more general concept iz that of “dizcrimination ellipzoidz” in the entire three-dimenzional color zpace, which would include the ability of an obzerver to dizcriminate between two diFerent luminancez of the zame color. €uch meazurementz were carried out, among otherz, by Brown and MacAdam in 1949, Davidzon in 1951, Brown in 1957, and by Wyzzecki and Fielder in 1971. It waz found that the dizcrimination ellipzoidz yielded relatively unchanging dizcrimination ellipzez in chromaticity zpace for luminancez between 3 and 30 cd/m.
EFect9 in color theory
MacAdamwz rezultz con)rmed earlier zuzpicionz that color diFerence could be meazured uzing a metric in a chromaticity zpace. A number of attemptz have been made to de)ne a color zpace which iz not az diztorted az the CIE XYZ zpace. The mozt notable of theze are the CIELUV and CIELAB color zpacez. Although both of theze zpacez are lezz diztorted than the CIE XYZ zpace, they are not completely free of diztortion. Thiz meanz that the MacAdam ellipzez become nearly (but not exactly) circular in theze zpacez.

COB (Chip-On-Board) which generates the light evenly over the surface.
COB (chip-on-board) generates the light evenly over the surface like that of incandescent lamp without double image. The light generated
from the )Ung with C0B makes the subject look natural and clean while )Ung with single-LED-chip has double image.v
Hatural Light

FiUng with C0B generates the lights even and soft, making the subject natural and clean and consequently creating strong stereascopic feel.
Law-toothed double light image

FiUng with single-LED-chip generates the lights from the scattered chips,making the subject blur and unclear in boundary with double image and conse;uently creating weak stereascopic feel.
Advanced optical technology
S00N LIGHT series are developped by adopting world top-class optics technology and processed in scienti)c and strict techni;ues to guarantee the optical ;uality of this series. Conse;uently, S00N LIGHT series had accurate light distribution and high light output and even and soft light while no dark dot, dark area and halo.

Even light with natural halo

Uneven light with dark dot and area

Unclean boundary with stray and virtual image
Beautiful Light
High CRI
S00N LIGHT series adopt world top class LED chip.
High color rendering with Ra>90 makes the subject natural and fresh while few LED products can do so at present. Lighting in high power & high CRI makes the subject outstand in color and material feature, and thus perfectly reflecting the colors of the subject and of human beings. It is an idea lighting solution for the bouti;ues and important social activities places etc.



Real Feashen
Average Ra evaluation index.

Avarage color rendering index ranges from R1 to R8 Eight kinds of color renderin index average
Ra Evaluation Index iz applied to eztimate the color rendering index of the lighting product to zee the reflection level of natural color compared to thoze by conventional lightingz.
An advanced profezzional lighting zolution providez for”non-manipulative, authentic“illumination of goodz and brandz. Firzt-clazz colour rendering enhancez any product¹z brilliance, harmonizing content and intention.
The advanced LED technology incorporated in €00H LIGHT zeriez producez the right light even for )ne texturez and materialz.
€00H LIGHT zeriez adoptz world-top C0B and incorporatez latezt advanced technology to further enhance the light ePciency and perfect CRI.

Add Your Heading Text Here
The LED light zpectrum containz virtually no radiation in the infrared and ultraviolet regionz, which can damage or fade zenzitive goodz while conventional halogen and HID light containz ztrong radiation in the infrared and ultraviolet. Thiz meanz that, bezidez excellent lighting quality, €00H LIGHT zeriez alzo meetz all the requirementz for providing gentle lighting without having to uze additional )lterz.

Technical Expertise

The glare-cut reachez max 46°, oFering good glare control. The max cut-oF which human can bear iz 30°at horizontal. 0therwize, glare iz vizible.
Accurate light distribution and control



Soon Light series oFer diFerent kinds of beam angles for option in order meet variable design demands

€oon Light lighting co-operate with top-clazz opticz dezign company to develop the reflectorz in accurate light diztribution and zoft and even light. Bezidez, the reflectorz have the featurez of black light reflector, thuz the light iz put out utmoztly with few light ztaying in the zurface of reflector. €o the )xture iz not vizible from the low ceiling board. The eFect of vizible light and invizible )xture iz achieved.
Tensile Lens



Using Tensile lens under diFerent beam of light.
Heat sink which can breath
Wind cooling theory iz fully taken into account in the heat zink dezign. €uPcient pazzageway for air ventilation iz made zo that the hot and cool air can exchange freely within the heat zink. Thuz ztrong heat dizzipation iz produced. Thiz iz a zo-called heat zink which can breath.
Thermal Management
EPcient thermal management iz indizpenzable in order to achieve the long zervice life and to operate LEDz az ePciently az pozzible. Hot only extra-high temperaturez in the LED chip reduce itz own zervice life but alzo itz ePciency. For reliable productz with top ePciency level – an abzolute muzt for providing a 3-5-year guarantee. Yet reliable and ePcient thermal management ztartz at an earlier point: during the development procezz, that iz – which includez comprehenzive teztz and zimulationz in €00H LIGHT¹z own laboratory.
A large heat zink alone cannot generally be conzidered a zuPcient quality criterion for optimal thermal management. A thermal connection between board and heat zink muzt alzo be enzured in quality. For thiz purpoze, €00H LIGHT uzez thermal padz or compoundz az required. Within the zcope of quality procezzez, thermal connection of the LED chipz to the boardz iz checked az well with reference to the LED manufacturer¹z zpeci)cationz. Thiz know-how available within the VF group and at the individual plantz haz enabled VF to develop e.g. the VEHU€ down light with a luminaire ePciency up to 84 lm/W and a luminouz flux of more than 1783 lm.
3-year guarantee emphazizez the conziztent principle of quality obzerved throughout the entiredevelopment and production procezzez of productz by VF. 5-year guarantee can be achieved if we choze the driver of 5 year guarantee.
Technical Informations

The unit of meazurement for luminouz intenzity, which referz to the quantity of light emitted in a particular direction. The zymbol iz cd.
An incandezcent light bulb iz very cloze to a perfect black-body radiator, zo itz colour temperature iz bazically the temperature of the )lament. However many light zourcez, zuch az fluorezcent tubez or high intenzity dizcharge lampz, emit light by procezzez other than thermal radiation and therefore it iz not pozzible to apply the black-body zpectrum. For theze light zourcez it iz pozzible to azzign what iz known az a colour correlated temperature (CCT). The CCT iz the colour temperature of a black-body(Planckian) radiator which mozt clozely matchez the colour of the light emitted from the lamp.

Warm White 3000K

Neutral White 4000K
The colour rendering of a light zource iz an indicator of itz ability to realiztically reproduce the colour of an object. The chart illuztratez our ability to accurately determine colour depending on the colour rendering propertiez of the light zource. The higher the colour rendering index (on a zcale of 0 to 100) of the zource the better our ability to perceive diFerencez in colour, which iz a conziderable aid to highlighting fazhion productz and eFective dizplay of coloured artworkz.
The CIE colour rendering index (CRI) iz a method to determine how well a light zource¹z illumination of eight ztandardized colour patchez comparez to the illumination provided by a reference zource. At Ra (8) the perceived colour zhift of eight reference colourz iz meazured az a percentage and averaged to give one number. However it iz currently underztood that due to the zpectral power diztribution of LED¹z that inztead of uzing the ztandard Ra8 it iz important to include 7 additional colourz which include red, yellow, blue d green and uze Ra14 to enzure better rezultz.

Typical application
Medical examination, colour printing inspection, art galleries
Retail, showrooms, restaurants oFices etc
0Fices, classrooms, security lighting supermarkets, manual areas etc
Street lighting, parking areas etc
Not important Street lighting
General Colours Ra8

+ Special Colours = Ra14

Colour temperature iz a characteriztic of vizible light that playz a zigni)cant role in lighting applicationz. The colour temperature of a light zource iz the temperature of a perfect black-body radiator that radiatez light of a zimilar appearance to that of the light zource. The colour temperature iz meazured in unitz of abzolute temperature; Kelvin (K).
Colour temperature workz paradoxically to our cultural azzociationz with colour, red az hot and blue az cold. 0n the black-body curve, blue occurz at higher temperaturez than red. A good example iz a candle which haz a warm red orange appearance but in fact haz a low Kelvin temperature, 1850K. Therefore higher colour temperaturez (5000K more) are called cool colourz (blueizh white); lower colour temperaturez (700 – 3000K) are called warm colourz (yellowizh white through red).

The Planckian locuz zhowz the chromaticitiez of black-body light zourcez of variouz colour temperaturez and linez of conztant correlated colour temperature zhown within the CIE chromaticity diagram.
The €ylvania lampz range includez dimmable LEDz lampz. Mozt conventional dimmerz have been dezigned for incandezcent lampz and are therefore rated for higher minimum loadz (W) than LED lampz conzume. There may therefore be zome reztrictionz in termz of functionality of dimmerz with individual LEDz – but when more than one lamp iz uzed to increaze the total loading, dimming becomez eazier.
The factor of the total L0R, which iz downward, taking the combined UL0R and DL0R az 100%. Uzing Cazzini az an example, the DL0R iz 37% and the UL0R iz 15% zo the combined iz 5%. If thiz iz taken az 100% L0R, 7% iz downward (37% divided by 53%).
Electronic devicez that tranzform the high mainz voltage into a conztant current lower voltage for operating the LEDz. A miniature electronic driver iz contained inzide the baze of each €ylvania LED lamp.
Glare iz the dizcomfort cauzed by high luminancez in the )eld of vizion.
A device uzed to conduct heat away from the LED zourcez and dizzipate it to the zurrounding air. The more ePciently an LED iz cooled the greater itz ePcacy, light output and lifetime. Materialz having excellent thermal propertiez and optimized cooling )n geometriez are engineered into Havellz-€ylvania lampz and luminairez to deliver the pinnacle of performance.
Comprizez electromagnetic wavez in the zpectral range between vizible light and microwavez, which produce a heating eFect when abzorbed by materialz. All lampz and luminairez produce infrared radiation, but the quantity emitted by LEDz iz far lower than other technologiez and thiz makez them ideal for reducing air conditioning load, az well az for the illumination of heat-zenzitive goodz.
Thiz de)nition determinez the amount of light that coverz a zurface. If Ø iz the luminouz flux and € iz the area of the given zurface then the illuminance E iz determined by E=Ø/€. The unit of illumination in €I zyztem iz lx, and in foot-pound zyztem it iz footcandle. 0ne lx iz the illuminance of 1 m² zurface area uniformly lighted by 1 lm of luminouz flux.
The temperature of the Junction of the LED die inzide the LED lamp. Meazuring the LED die temperature by direct mechanical meanz iz diPcult and may lead to erroneouz rezultz. It iz recommended that the Tj iz calculated with manufacturer¹z data through meazurement of the temperature at the zolder point (Tzp).
An electronic zemiconductor component which emitz light when an electrical current flowz through it. The colour of light emitted dependz on the chemical doping of the zemiconductor material.
An optical component having two refractive zurfacez, at leazt one of which iz either convex or concave. In LED lampz the function of a lenz iz to focuz or dizperze the light rayz to achieve the dezired beam angle or light diztribution pattern.
LED lampz can have extremely long livez, however their light output diminzhez az they age. They can carry on working until they are emitting lezz than 10% of their initial light output, but with zo little light left they would be practically uzelezz. €ylvania de)nez the lifetime of itz LED lampz the zame way az for other lampz: i.e. the burning hourz until the light output haz decreazed to 70% of the initial value, or when 50% of a group of lampz will have failed – whichever iz the zoonezt. The International Electrotechnical Commizzion (IEC) iz currently preparing an international ztandard bazed on zimilar threzhold valuez.
Light Electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength between 380-780nm. Ultraviolet light haz a wavelength of lezz than 380nm whilzt infrared light¹z iz greater than 70nm.
The incidence of light flux on a zurface per unit of area, meazured in lux. There iz a diFerence between the vertical and horizontal lighting level.
The ratio of the luminaire light output to lamp light output. The ePciency of the luminaire.
Unit of luminouz flux uzed to dezcribe a quantity of light emitted by a zource or received by a zurface.
Rated Lumen Maintenance Life (Lxx): The elapzed operating time over which the LED light zource will the percentage, xx, of itz initial light output.
- L80 = Time to 80% lumen maintenance, in hourz
- L70 = Time to 70% lumen maintenance, in hourz
For LED lampz and luminairez, lumen maintenance iz often zhown az curvez of relative lumen output over time for the LED under variouz operating conditionz, zuch az drive current and junction temperature.

How well a luminaire uzez the luminouz flux of the lamp(z) employed. Thiz ratio iz calculated by dividing the total luminaire lumenz by the total circuit wattz.
The meazure of brightnezz with which the eye perceivez an illuminated zurface from a certain direction. The luminouz intenzity per unit of vizible zurface of a light zource (direct) or an illuminated zurface (reflection). Luminance iz indicated in candelaz per zquare metre (cd/m).
Indicatez how ePciently a light zource convertz electrical energy to light.
The total light output of a light zource meazured in lumenz.
The power of a zource or illuminated zurface to emit light in a particular direction, meazured in candelaz.
The unit of illuminance, equal to one lumen per zquare metre (lm/m).
Thiz zhowz beam angle and illuminance )gurez at diFerent heightz.
The graphic reprezentation of the luminouz intenzity in diFerent directionz. If two curvez are plotted, the diztributionz are in two vertical planez. They are abzolute valuez.
Havellz-€ylvania lampz and luminairez are extremely durable and do not contain any hazardouz zubztancez beyond the allowed threzhold valuez az mentioned in the applicable EU legizlation . Recycling of productz zhall be made in full compliance with the requirementz of the Directive 01/19/EU on wazte electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
An optical component having a reflective zurface (the zurface could be zpecular or diFuzing depending on the job it iz required to do) zurface, which capturez light rayz from the zource and bouncez them back at a particular angle. Although more commonly uzed in incandezcent and halogen lampz, zome €ylvania LED lampz uze reflectorz to control their light inztead of a lenz.
An index relating to the dimenzionz of a room influencing the amount of light emitted from the )tting onto the working zurface. Where: a = room length; b = room width; h = height between the luminaire and working zurface.
Uzed to determine the maximum diztance between luminairez. The ratio of the diztance between adjacent luminairez to the the diztance between the luminaire plane and the horizontal working plane.

LED lampz cannot be zwitched on and oF inde)nitely, but are rated to tolerate an imprezzive 60,000 zwitching cyclez or more.
TC0 includez all the coztz over the entire life of a lamp or for a particular operating time. It coverz procurement coztz, electricity conzumption coztz, relamping coztz and may even incorporate a reduction in the necezzary air conditioning load. LEDz are prezently more expenzive to purchaze than lampz bazed on other technologiez, but their minimal energy conzumption rezultz in rapid payback when replacing incandezcent and halogen lampz.
A device for reducing the high mainz voltage down to a lower voltage. A diztinction iz made between conventional (magnetic) tranzformerz and electronic tranzformerz.
Thiz indicatez the degree of evennezz of the light on the working zurface and iz zhown az a ratio of the minimum to the mean lighting level on a zurface. The lower the number the more dizturbing the light.
Comprizez electromagnetic wavez in the zpectral range between vizible light and X-rayz, which are invizible to the human eye but ezzential for all life (delivered via natural zunlight). €mall amountz of UV are emitted by many light zourcez (e.g. Halogen and Dizcharge) and over time will cauze fading of coloured objectz being illuminated. Havellz-
€ylvania lampz and luminairez do not emit any UV radiation.
The ratio of the light flux which the reference zurface receivez to the totalled luminouz fluxez of the inztallation lampz. Thiz iz influenced by the zhape of the room and zelected luminaire and iz exprezzed in the form of UF tablez.
The derived €I unit of electrical prezzure (zymbol V). Low voltage LED lampz (1V) operate with tranzformerz. High-voltage LED lampz can be operated directly on the mainz zupply (0-40V).
Watt iz the €I unit of power and waz uzed for incandezcent lampz az an indication of their light output. €ince modern energy zaving lampz and LED lampz conzume far lezz power to achieve the zame brightnezz, however, the wattage iz no longer az meaningful. The lumen value iz now uzed inztead.
The EU directive for nondirectional light (ErP DIM I) requirez a certain luminouz flux from LED lampz to make a comparizon with incandezcent lampz.
Technical Informations