Kadir Has Stadium / KAYSERİ

Kadir Has Stadium / KAYSERİ

Application imagery for Kadir Has Stadium / KAYSERİ

Kadir Has Stadium / KAYSERİ

Architectural Project
Lighting Project


“Kayseri Kadir Has Stadium” exterior decorative lighting project, which hosts Kayseri Sports Club competing in the Turkish Super League and is one of the most modern stadiums in Turkey, using nearly 4000 RGB Star products and 150 wallwashers; projecting, design, production and implementation were made by Soon Light & Project. This stadium, which hosts very important competitions, has an important share in the silhouette of the city by shining in different colors on special days for the colors of the rival teams on competition days. The system, which is controlled from the stadium automation center, works with the DMX 512 protocol and nearly 1200 addresses are checked.